Know more about your website by doing User Experience Testing.
Have you ever checked your analysis and wondered that the copy is great and everything is fine then why is the conversion rate low?
Well a lot of times marketers make mistake by choosing and working on a website that makes them feel good and comfortable instead of customers being comfortable about it. In most of the cases this vice versa issue happens which instantly drops down the conversion rate because the customer really cannot understand or it becomes difficult for them to get along with the idea or thought behind the website and thus end up losing interest.
Say No more to that because User Experience(UX) Test makes it super easier to understand and make changes in the site. UI UX company agency in Mumbai, It refers to the way they feel about the website. Does it interest them , does it confuse them? Can an average tech person understand the usage and process? Is it a delight to watch the website and is it visually appealing that will make the person take action or buy stuff from there? Every user has different perspective over using the website, thus one cannot start the website by seeking one person’s perspective. A well-designed website or product, though, enables a good user experience – one that makes using it effortless and fun.
Imagine someone coming to your online website wherein you sell tops for women. Now the person who visits your site finds the product but does not like the payment process and the maximum it takes for the customer to go back from the website is literally less than 20 seconds, thus testing before launching website becomes essential as every little bump distracts people and leaves a negative mark forever and it gets tough to handle. While on the other hand, User Experience Testing help you to figure out the weaker points and work on it to make them better.
User testing brings a lot of changes in the website as real life people are being testing these and marks out the problem. A sample group is taken to make the work easier by understanding the customer psychology and how they operate or explore your website. There are different tools for evaluating your user experience. User Testing, Usability, Click Tale, In Vision are some of them. How a user experiences your website comes down to a number of different factors. Using mock ups, split testing and other ways make your user testing successful and increases the conversion rate. Digital ad agency Mumbai.